
Here we describe how to authenticate with our partners API.


To works with us you will be given:

  • an API_KEY



The Authorization header contains, your API_KEY, your IDENTIFIER and a Signature of the request you made with your SHARED_KEY.

Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY, Id=$IDENTIFIER, Signature=56161615151515, Timestamp=1643464283

The timestamp is UTC, in seconds.

Request ID

With POST requests, you can give a request id alongside your request. If you post a request two times with the same request id, the second time it will the return the response of the first request instead of recreating the resource.

It is useful when the connection broke and you did not receive the response, but your request has been proceed.

The header is named X-RequestId

The request ID is mandatory to retrieve a card afterwards. We strongly advise you to implement it, otherwise we will not be held responsible for any lost cards.

Request Signature

To ensure your are the caller of our APIs, we need you to sign your request.

1. Build the token


Don't forget to sort the keys in your payload in alphabetical order !

2. Sign your token

echo -ne $TOKEN | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:$SHARED_KEY

This command will give you, your signature. It must be in your Authorization header.


IDENTIFIER: b5245bbc-8ee7-4e55-92e0-b97e81085154


Create card.

POST https://api.walleo.io/partners/v1/cards

Creates a new card.

Request Body

  "errors": [
      "code": "gift_card_not_found",
      "message": "Gift card not found with code 'IKEA-FR'"
  "status": "not_found"

1. Build your token



2. Sign your token


echo -ne $TOKEN | openssl dgst -sha256 -mac HMAC -macopt hexkey:6F2CE47010CF4F79B9767042BAFB1EB4
# > 434f3dd367edbe5c82a68f5b5a771a50d602c2868e10a4b132ae807df6982867

When openssl is processing your key, the hexkey tells it that your key must be converted in hexadecimal. In your code there wont be such option so you must convert your key before giving it to the hash function. Here are two examples:

OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("SHA256", [key.to_s].pack('H*'), token)

3. Build your request


curl -X POST http://www.example.com/partners/v1/cards
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -H 'Accept: application/json'
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer rKc1oJFfEzf0HRbNzLjcvEKijkAFfSL5BYhI-Usidd5PARuHZaSRAL_2eSPOZrT-, Id=b5245bbc-8ee7-4e55-92e0-b97e81085154, Timestamp=1648559273'
     -d '{ "card": { "gift_card_code": "IKEAFR", "amount": 50 } }'

Last updated